Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Gettin prepaired for the New Year

What an amazing season!! Everywhere I have gone lately I have been surrounded by amazing friends and family. Amazing community! I can feel the love! God is so faithful! My heart has longed for this and now reaping the benefits of living in these amazing communities God has placed me in.

I want to tell you what God has done!!! I am overwhelmed by the love of God! I have been daily coming more and more alive! I have had the great opportunity of witnessing the Love of God being poured out all around me. What Joy!!! While I have been here I have been apart of New Song Church and helped minister to folks here, in Irvine, California, where my outreach team came for my DTS with YWAM. I have lived with an amazing family. Not going to be easy to say goodbye to them, especially their 5 year old, we have been real pals. I love this community! I could totally see myself living here, sometime in the future for sure! Lord willing. About 4 weeks ago I dove into the journey of learning to play the guitar. Its a new love! By the grace of God I am coming along very quickly, which is very fun!! I also really have been focused on not only growing deeper in my walk with God but also taking better care of my physical body. I looked into maybe doin a race near the time I go home. I found a 10k that is on the 10th of Dec. I am super excited about this. I have learned during this season, that I am a runner! Both my parents were runners when I was a baby and I am now seeing this new passion flourish in my own life!! I really enjoy the feeling of finishing a run and it was longer than the last run or a quicker time than before! I love the challenge!

Well, this season is coming to a close in 23 days. And I will go home for Christmas and then pack again to go back to Kona, Hawaii in January to the YWAM (Youth With a Mission) base to staff a school in April. This isn't the life of a vacation. Yes it is a nice place to live for a season. But I truly believe this is the road that God has me to travel down and raising up the next generation to be radical lovers of Jesus is what makes my heart truly come alive!!! I have seen this happen with many young people, but now I get to have a more of a hands on role in their lives! I love this! I love this opportunity! God is so good! This school will be 3 months of training for me and the rest of the staff, 3 months of lectures and mentoring the students and 3 months of outreach, which will bring the entire school to London to finish up lecture phase and then we will all spread out in perspective teams to evangelize parts of Europe. I am praying about bringin a team back to Orange County... Still waiting on God where I will be leading a team to. But in the mean time I am trusting God to show me everyday how to love better, and how to surrender what I think is best.

Please consider partnering with me in prayer in seeing the lost saved, the saved revived and the gospel preached to the ends of the earth. Please also consider partnering with me either with a one time donation, or a monthly contribution. Lets reach the lost together! Lets revive the saved together! Lets see the great commission fulfilled together!!! Thank you for your love and support. I am so greatly appreciative!!!
Please let me know also how I can be praying for you!!!
Much love to all!!
Erin Crain