Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Heart is in His Hands.

God is so good!!! He is faithful to my heart! He is faithful to the end! I am just over the half way mark of my outreach and I can't believe it! Time is literally flying by. This is by far one of the greatest experiences of my life! I am learning the importance of outreach. Its not just a period of time that I set aside just to do ministry and love people but it really is becoming a way I want to live my life. My goal at the end of this, is that it would be a cultivated lifestyle generated out of the place of intimacy with Jesus. Love responding to Love. I'm learning that God establishes his plans for me. He really knows me. He knows the ebbs and flows and my comings and goings. He knows everything. I want to live in the light as He is in the light. I don't want anything hidden. The enemy of our souls has no power when we are living in the light. In the light every lie is exposed, every weakness is made known. And the best part is, is that my King knows whats best for me. I love that! He knows what I need. He knows me. I may not know all the details of whats going to happen next or where I will live next or how provision will come in. I don't need to know that. Everything to the very last detail will be accounted for... Because He simply is that good. He is a great and mighty King!

I can tell you though what is on my heart...
I want to be apart of abolishing the sex trade industry, however that looks... and see the little girls and young women that have been taken from their homes and sold, brought back to the original design that the Lord intended over their lives.
Whether this is in Mexico, Orange County, Hawaii, Thailand... I want to go... first hand and rescue these ones.
I want to go to the nations... wherever the door would open, bringing as many young people with me that I can.
I want to continue living in community... IT'S THE BEST!!
Please pray with me that the Lord would bring clarity and understanding and that He would point me in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. Excited for you Erin and all that Jesus may have ahead! I know you are called to love women and children where ever the Lord may are a blessing to many! Praying for clarity and peace as you discern whats next!

    Love, bryna
